William John Bromley (1900 - 1982)
Bill Bromley was the captain of the sternwheeler Klondike II for over seven years.1) The riverboat was built in 1929 and Bromley was her first skipper. The Klondike II is a National Historic Site located in Whitehorse.2)
“The Whitehorse Star reports in 1982.” Yukon Nuggets, 2021 website: https://yukonnuggets.com/archived-news-headlines/the-whitehorse-star-reports-in-1982.
“S.S. Klondike II.” Yukon Historical and Museums Association 2021 website: https://www.heritageyukon.ca/attractions/historical-buildings/ss-klondike-ii
b/w_bromley.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/07 11:08 by sallyr