Billy Chappell
Billy Chappell mined Claim No. 27 on Eldorado in the early 1900s. He took Jeremiah Lynch around his claim and down to the bottom of a shallow shaft only fifteen feet deep. The ground was thawed at the base and he panned out twenty-five pounds of dirt to get $240 in coarse dark nuggets. Chappell phoned down to Charley Worden at Stanley and Worden’s claim No. 24 on Eldorado. He bet Warden could not get as much gold from a pan, and he won as the pan from No. 24 weighed only $224. The Eldorado kings were generous in their warm hospitality.1)
Jeremiah Lynch, Three Years in the Klondike. Chicago: The Lake side Press, 1967: 106-109.
c/b_chappell.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/23 11:45 by sallyr