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Fred Clark

Fred Clark and H. Graehl were members of the Order of the Midnight Sun, organized in December 1900. Members were recruited from the Upper Yukon and Circle City to Atlin, British Columbia and Skagway. They were American and felt that Canadian mining regulations were too harsh and that an all-Canadian route to the Klondike would deprive Skagway businessmen of lucrative trade. They ignored the fact that the US did not allow foreigners to stake claims on American soil, but Canada allowed everyone to do so. The order planned to create a republic independent of Canadian or British law.1)

In 1901, the Mounties employed a secret agent and several Pinkerton detectives to gather information. Superintendent Primrose received reinforcements to prepare for any emergency. The Seattle Daily Times exposed the organization's aims on 21 November 1901 and published photographs of some of the members which may have numbered from 1,500 to 5,000 at one time. The press coverage spelled the ultimate failure of their mission. The Mounties continued to investigate in the Yukon and a man was sent to San Francisco and Seattle to locate Fred Clark, Secretary of the Order and H. Graehl, an organizer. On 4 April 1902, a report indicated that the Treasurer had decamped with all of the Order's funds. The role of the Mounties in hiring a secret agent foreshadowed its later role to protect Canada's national security.2)

1) , 2)
Joanne Frodsham and Judith Roberts-Moore (Federal Archives Division), “A bunch of the boys were whooping it up on the Malamute Saloon….” The Archivist, Public Archives, Canada, January-February 1986. Vol 13 - No.1.
c/f_clark.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/23 20:29 by sallyr