Pearl Callaghan, Gàndałêch
Pear Callaghan is a member of the Dakl’áweidi (Eagle) Clan of the Gooch (Wolf) moiety and sits on the Teslin Tlingit Council Elders Council. She has held leadership positions in First Nation governments and non-government organizations. She holds a First Nations Arts certificate from Yukon University.1) Pearl was nominated by the Council of Yukon First Nations to the Yukon Land Use Planning Council in 2013 and was reappointed for her second term in 2016.2) In November 2020, she was appointed by the Yukon government to the Yukon University Board of Governors. The Yukon University Act came into effect in February 2020 and the Board was allowed an increase in the Board from twelve to seventeen members. This was to better represent key stakeholder and rights holder groups.3)