George Finch
George Finch was from Kingston, Ontario. Arthur Harper, Frederick Harte, George Finch, Andrew Kenseller, George McNiff (McNipp), and Alfred Henry Mayo arrived in the Yukon in 1873. Harper and Finch were shown some copper nuggets at Fort Yukon, and they decided to explore the White River. They prospected at the mouths of the Forty Mile, Sixtymile, and Stewart rivers and spent the winter at the mouth of the White. They ascended it the following spring to search for copper.1) Finch spent the summer of 1875 prospecting with Arthur Harper and John [James?] McKniff at the mouth of the Tanana River. Finch, Hart, and Kensellar left the Yukon River basin in 1875.2)
Ed and Star Jones, All That Glitters: The Life and Times of Joe Ladue, Founder of Dawson City. Whitehorse: Wolf Creek Books. 2005: 57.
Francois Xavier Mercier, Recollections of the Youkon: Memoires from the Years 1868-1885. Edited by Linda Finn Yarborough. Anchorage: The Alaska Historical Society, 1986: 34.
f/g_finch.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/06 20:38 by sallyr