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George Hicks

George Hicks was a stampeder who came to the Klondike in the spring of 1898 and photographed his journey with a 5“ x 7” stereo camera. He stayed in Dawson, mostly mining but also selling stereo and single views that were contact printed. Hicks left Dawson in 1899. The Dawson Museum and Historical Society has a George Hicks collection of 200 glass plates, a photo album largely made up of contact prints from one side of the stereo image making a 2.5“ x 3.5” image, several stereo cards, and a diary which describes his daily activities, the prices of photography supplies, and his photo sales.1)

Dawson City Museum and Historical Society, collection description; “George Hicks.” Yukon Photographers: The Gold Rush Era, 1897-1900, 2019 website:
h/g_hicks.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/14 22:15 by sallyr