Lorraine Hoyt (1974 – 1977)
Lorraine Hoyt was associated with the Girl Guides of Canada for twenty-one years. She began the 8th Whitehorse Guide Company at Kishwoot Hall in Whitehorse in 1968. In 1974, the Girl Guides celebrated 60 years of guiding and Yukon appointed a Provincial Council with the same rights and responsibilities of other councils across Canada. Lorraine Hoyt was chosen as Yukon’s first Provincial Commissioner, Nora Garside was Program Commissioner, Enid Tait was the Camp Commissioner, Carine Sutherland was Division Commissioner, and Pat Sinclair was secretary. Three of Lorraine’s daughters have been involved in Guides in the Yukon.1)
Joyce Hayden, Seventy-five Summers: The Story of Yukon Girl Guides 1914 – 1989. Girl Guides of Canada – Yukon Council, 1989: 3, 53, 62.
h/l_hoyt.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/16 20:25 by sallyr