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Alexander King (d. 1900)

Alexander King had been prospecting in the Yukon for many years but was past his prime. He searched for a partner and found a young Canadian voyageur from Quebec. King and his new partner were on the river just above Rink Rapids and the partner was steering while King advised. King said “keep it near the right bank” but his new partner steered for the middle saying he loved rough water. King shot the young man and was able to steer the boat into the right channel. A few kilometres down the river, King turned himself in to the North-West Mounted Police. The Quebecker’s body was never found. King was remorseful but said he would have died otherwise. He also said that when he shot, his life was not in imminent danger. The jury found him guilty but recommended mercy. The judge sentenced him to hang.1)

Other sources state that King was a member of a riverboat crew, and that he shot the pilot Herbert Davenport.2)

Rich Mole, Murder & Mystery in the Yukon.: True stories of the law and lawless Klondike. Whitehorse: PR Distributing. 2008: 38-39.
Klondike Nugget (Dawson), 19 July, 2 August, and 4 October 1900; Dawson Cemeteries Database, Yukon Historic Sites.
k/a_king.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/17 16:24 by sallyr