Ken Kyikavichik
Ken Smith was elected grand chief of the Gwich’in Tribal Council and changed his name to Ken Kyikavichik, the original family name. He announced the change at a Gwich’in special assembly in Inuvik, NWT in 2021. His ancestor was called Kyikavichik (carry the arrow) when he was too young to hunt. Newcomers to the area changed the name to Kay when they had difficulty with Kyikavichik. Ken’s great-grandfather was Chief Johnny Kay Sr.1)
“ Here’s why the grand chief of the Gwich’in Tribal Council changed his name.” CBC News, 18 April 2021. 2022 website: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/gwich-in-tribal-council-chief-name-change-1.5988304.
k/k_kyikavichik.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/18 20:00 by sallyr