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Joseph Arsène “Jos” Longtin

Jos Longtin was originally from Quebec. In 1908, Longtin and Napolèon Chouinard founded the California Market in Dawson City. That November, Longtin staked a claim on Partridge Creek, about eight miles up from the mouth. In the early 1920s, he was living in Mayo, delivering water and wood with his horse Éli. Over the years he performed many jobs including bringing the mail from the dock to the post office and, in the 1940s, he was the Mayo school janitor. He was a member of the tennis club from its creation in 1926 until 1938. He retired to the Vancouver Ambassador Hotel.1)

Empreinte: La Presence francophone au Yukon. Tome 2. Whitehorse: Association franco-yukonnaise, 1997: 94-97.
l/j_longtin.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/22 11:05 by sallyr