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Oscar Letourneau

Oscar Letourneau was originally from Quebec. He mined at Hunker Creek, near Dawson. Between 1905 and 1915, he had three businesses in Dawson: Cadieux & Letourneau (1905), Roy & Letourneau (1914-1915) and Letourneau & Caux (1915). In 1915-16, he managed the Empire Hotel in Dawson. In 1901, he staked a concession with F. Williams, F. Cantin, J. Lelievre, and D. Parent on Williams Creek, a trib. of Duncan Creek. In 1919, he was among those who staked silver claims with Louis Bouvette. During the 1920s, he built the biggest hotel in the Yukon at Mayo, the Royal Alexandra, with three floors. It had every comfort available at that time. It had a little restaurant, a store, and a billiard hall.1)

The Royal Alexandra Hotel was lost to fire in 1925 and Letorneau opened the Broadway Hotel that fall to provide needed accommodation in Mayo. He planned to build a new hotel on the site of Royal Alexandra in 1926.2) Oscar Letourneau remained in Mayo until the 1950s when he returned to Quebec.3)

1) , 3)
Empreinte: La Presence francophone au Yukon. Tome 2. Whitehorse: Association franco-yukonnaise, 1997: 93-94.
Whitehorse Star (Whitehorse), 27 November 1925.
l/o_letourneau.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/21 14:16 by sallyr