Guenther Joseph Muff
Joe Muff is a former commercial airplane pilot who worked for Trans North for five years in the 1970s.1) The DC-3 Windtree CF-CPY airplane was flying for Great Northern Airways until November 1970.2) Muff bought the derelict CPY in 1976 with the idea of restoring it as a Whitehorse airport monument.3) Northward Airline donated hanger space for the restoration.4) Muff donated CPY to the Whitehorse Flying Club for $1 and the team of Bob Cameron, Bill Bedwell, Jock Patterson and a bunch of other volunteers, plus some Katimavik kids did a lot of the restoration work.5) Muff’s DC-3 weathervane now sits in front of the Yukon Transportation Museum. The museum took ownership of the donated plane in October 1993.6)
Win and Joe Muff, and Barry Watson established Alkan Air in 1977. Hugh Kitchen became a partner in 1987 when Joe and Winn sold their interests in the company.7) Joe and Win went on to start a telecommunications company. [Total North Communications?]
In 2007, Joe Muff worked with Professor Rod Savidge and seed technologist Marjorie Hancox who were looking at the factors controlling the position and structure of the treeline in the Mount Nanson region of the Yukon Plateau. The research group found that permafrost and localized glaciers had disappeared over a span of forty years and that white spruce now grew several hundred feet above the pre-existing tree line.8)