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Herbert “Bert” Markham (1872 - 1899)

Bert Markham was a teamster for the Orr & Tukey freighting company in 1899. He left Dawson on the government road about ten o’clock with a four-mule sled and two tons of freight consigned to Gold Hill. The road crossed a small glacier near Claim No. 88 Below and was considerably higher on one side. It made a slight ascent and turned abruptly to the right. Markham speeded up his mules to a trot so as to cross the glaciated road as quickly as he could. At a turn, the sled slid off the road and down an eighteen-foot embankment, turned over, and buried Markham under the load.1) Bert Markham died of suffocation. 2)

“Bert Markham killed.” Dawson Daily News (Dawson), 8 November 1899.
Dawson Cemeteries Database, Yukon Historic Sites.
m/h_markham.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/30 17:05 by sallyr