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Lillian Nakamura Maguire (b. 1948)

Lillian Nakamura Maguire was born in Regina, Saskatchewan as a second-generation Japanese Canadian.1) During the Second World War, her parent’s rights were taken away. They lost their home in British Columbia and their belongings were sold off. Her father was sent to a work camp and both parents later worked at a sugar beet farm in Manitoba.2)

Maguire is a retired adult educator and facilitator. She is a community activist and uses stories in her work in human rights education, elder abuse prevention, and intercultural relations. In 2016, she received a National Association of Japanese Canadians Endowment Fund grant in 2016 to assist in the development of her first play. Hidden Memories, was accepted by the Ruby Slippers Theatre “Advance Theatre: New Works by Diverse Women” for reading at the 2017 Vancouver Fringe Festival.3)

Maguire is a founding member of the Hidden Histories Society Yukon, a volunteer group doing research and producing exhibits and activities mainly related to Yukon Asian and Black history. She writes short stories, memoir, haiku, and plays.4) Lillian Nakamura Maguire received the 2019 Yukon Historical and Museums Association (YHMA) Helen Couch Volunteer of the Year Award.

1) , 3) , 4)
“Lillian Nakamura Maguire: Bio.” Japanese Canadian Artists Directory, 2020 website:
Emily Blake, “Let’s work towards equity, dialogue, respect and peace.” Whitehorse Daily Star (Whitehorse), 23 August 2017.
m/l_maguire.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/30 16:05 by sallyr