Marko Milatovich (1880 - 1918)
Marko Milatovich was born in Montenegro and was working in Dawson as a labourer when he enlisted for service in the First War.1) He was recruited by Captain George Black and was in England in August 1917.2) In England, he transferred to the 17th Canadian Machine Gun Company and then to the 156th Battalion. He was deployed to France as reinforcement for the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry. He was awarded the Military Medal for gallantry. He was reported missing in action and presumed dead after an assault on the trenches at Parvillers. He was awarded the British War Medal and the Allied Victory Medal. Marko Milatovich is commemorated on the Vimy Memorial in France.3)
m/m.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/02 13:05 by sallyr