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William Michaels (~1880 – 1942)

William Michaels was the son of H.O. Michaels of Iowa. He travelled north from Vancouver, British Columbia in 1898. He went over the White Pass and reached Lake Bennett where he participated in the building of the steamer Iowa. The Iowa was owned and operated by the Iowa-Alaska Mining Company and it operated on the upper Yukon River until 1900. Michaels went down to Dawson in 1898 and stayed in the north for several years, involved with the Clear Creek Mining Company of Alaska (ca. 1899-1900), at Nome, and on the Aleutian Islands. The Dawon City Museum holds the William Michaels fonds which includes family photographs and documents the building of the steamer. 1)

Dawson City Museum, “William Michaels fonds.” Bio sketch. Accession 1983.173, 1998.13. 2019 website:
m/w_michaels.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/02 12:54 by sallyr