John McFarlane (aka Macfarlane)
John McFarlane fought in the First World War and was wounded.1) Back in the Yukon, the Canadian Yukon Patriotic Fund loaned him $500 in February 1920 to purchase horses. The Department of Soldiers’ Civil Re-Establishment helped McFarlane draw up preliminary papers with Murphy for the purchase of a water business, helped with several interviews, and assisted in arranging a loan of $1400 from the Yukon Telephone Syndicate.2) In 1923-24, McFarlane was running a number of businesses in Dawson. He was a general contractor, president and manager of the Mary Mine, the city garbage contractor, delivered city water, and did express dray, teaming and grading in Dawson.3)
mc/j_mcfarlane.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/28 15:45 by sallyr