Anton Johann “Tony” Nordale (1869 - 1930)
Anton Nordale was born in Sweden and immigrated to Nebraska in 1886. He was the proprietor of restaurants in San Francisco and Seattle from 1887 to 1896. He married Anna Mathilda Anderson in 1893 and they had six children: Alfred Hjalmar (b. Seattle 1894), Arnold M., Alton Gerald (b. in Dawson in 1900), Anita Marie, Adler Jennings, and Alice Dolores. Nordale had a restaurant in Juneau in 1896-97 and established a hotel and restaurant business in Dawson City from 1897 to 1904.1)
Nordale was a partial owner of the Martony Hotel in Dawson from 1901 to 1906. Tony and Anna Matilda also owned the Remington Hotel on Dominion Creek.2) Nordale had a hotel at Cleary City from 1904-08 and in Fairbanks from 1908 to 1930. He was a city councilman and the mayor of Fairbanks in 1910-1911.3)