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William Njootli (early 1860s – 1906)

William Njootli was Tetlit Gwich’in born at Fort McPherson. His younger brother Amos and nephews John and Richard Martin became ordained ministers in the Anglican church. Reverend Canham married William and Jane in November 1885 at Fort McPherson and they had nine children.1)

William was a Christian leader, a Gikhyi, for the Teetl’it Gwich’in from 1894 to 1900 and for the Van Tut Gwich’in from 1901 to 1903. He was ordained in July 1903 by Bishop Young. He acted as the Bishop of Athabasca when Bishop Reeve was ill. He was assigned to the Van Tut Gwich’in from 1903 to 1906.2) He travelled to the fish and meat camps of his parishioners.

William Njootli died up Vittrekwa Creek, with the cause of death and place of burial unknown.3) Bishop Stringer spoke about him in 1911 saying he was a deacon in the Anglican church for many years and did splendid work among his people. He was an excellent speaker, fluid and forcible, and his loss was mourned by all.4)

1) , 2)
Lee Sax and Effie Linklater, Gikhyi: One Who Speaks The Word of God. Diocese of Yukon, November 1990: 70.
Manuscript “Summery of the Anglican Church in Yukon” by Archdeacon Allan Haldenby of Dawson in 1957 and updated by Lee Sax and Bishop Ronald Ferris in 1991.
“Tragedy Leads to Yukon Ordination.” Dawson Daily News (Dawson), 2 March 1911.
n/w_njootli.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/06 22:13 by sallyr