Hugh Cormack Sutherland (d. 1936)
Hugh Sutherland was born in Scotland. He left the School of Mines in Caithness and came to the Yukon when he heard tales of the gold rush. He travelled with several of his seven brothers and partners Jack Priest, Jack Bremner, and Sinclair Dunnett Sr. They stopped in the mining towns at Bralorne and the Caribou and then started mining a claim on Yukon’s Last Chance Creek. Jack Bremner’s son Ian continued to mine the claim for many years. Some of Hugh’s brothers returned to Scotland with their gold intact, and one brother, Alex, went into the construction business in Vancouver. Hugh prospected in the Beaver River country north of Mayo in the summer and partnered with Alex in the winter. He also brokered some stocks and opened a toy shop on West Broadway in Vancouver.1)
In 1914, Hugh Sutherland, Jack Bremner, Sinclair Dunnett, and Norman Fisher of Atlin served in the First World War and survived Pashendale, Ypres, and other famous battles. Hugh met Jessie (Jennie) Margaret Mackay in Vancouver and they married in 1928. They moved to Mayo where Hugh was a shift boss at the Wernecke Mine. Hugh and Jennie had two children, Meg (McCall) and Hugh Roy.2)