Matthias Schuler (b. 1870)
Matt Schuler was born in Siskiyou County, California. He was educated at Atkinson's Business College in Sacramento and worked at farming for a short time. He travelled over the Chilkoot Pass in 1890 and camped and ate dinner on the spot where Dawson would be founded. Schuler travelled to Circle and began a freighting business, owning the first wagon.
After the Klondike strike, he had a successful freighting business in Dawson. A day's work was worth $100. He was in Dawson until the spring of 1900, when he went to Nome and took some interests in mining claims.1)
“Nome and Seward Peninsula, 1905” in Ed. Ferrell, Biographies of Alaska-Yukon Pioneers, 1850-1950. Juneau: Heritage Books Inc., 1994: 284.
s/m_schuler.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/28 21:25 by sallyr