Ron Stack
Ron Stack has worked for over forty years as a trapper, line cutter, claim staker, exploration technician, and prospector. During the 1980s, he was active in the Rancheria area and found numerous silver-lead-zinc showings. He partnered with Bill and Glenn Harris to stake, explore, and sell nickel-copper-platinum prospects in the Kluane Ranges. He discovered the first kimberlites in the Parry Peninsula on the Arctic coast. In 2009 and 2010, Stack, Gary Lee, and Bob Scott discovered and optioned the Golden Culvert Property on the Cantung Road.1)
In the 1920s, an old-timer started bringing coarse gold down the Hess River into Mayo. Stack always wondered where the gold came from and agreed to work a summer for Goldstrike Resources to find the source. He was travelling down to the Hess River to get picked up by the helicopter when he collected some interesting samples. One came in at over an ounce to the ton of gold. The company dug seventeen shallow holes and found visible gold in four of them, an unheard-of discovery.2)
Ron Stack was named Yukon Prospector of the Year in 2013 by the Yukon Prospectors Association for his discovery of the Goldbank Trend on the Goldstrike Resource's Plateau South property north of Ross River. It is an eleven-km zone of mineralized rock with up to 34.25 grams per tonne of gold and Goldstrike began a drill program in 2012. Stack was honoured for his lifetime of activity.3)