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Sam Soucy

Sam Soucy had a farm about fifteen miles up the Klondike valley from the mouth at Dawson. Jack Abbott, from the Whitehorse Experimental Farm, visited Soucy in 1945 as he had planted seed from the substation: W.B. Sweet Clover, Olli Barley, Brighton oats, and Garnet wheat. The sweet clover was too closely sown so was short but otherwise good. The oats were approaching maturity, the barley was thin but ready to harvest, the wheat was immature and frost touched. Soucy had extensive acreage in brome grass and had a contracted deal with some of the mining outfits in the valley. He had a few cattle but had only two head at the visit. Three horses represented his source of power. Soucy planned to import feeder cattle in 1946 but freight costs would determine the outcome of the scheme. At that time, the usual price for dressed beef in Dawson was .40 to .50 cents a pound and choice cuts ran to .85 cents. Soucy also planned to include hogs with sugar beets and rape as supplementary feed.1)

“Report on Dawson City – Mayo – Yukon Interior Survey Trip during August 1946.” Whitehorse Experimental Substation, November 8, 1946. Yukon Archives, GOV 1672 file 35459
s/s_soucy.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/03 09:37 by sallyr