George Tyler
George Tyler was a riverboat captain on the sternwheeler Victoria in June 1898.1) The boat belonged to the Alaska Commercial Company.2) Captain Tyler took the little Victoria up the Stewart River to McQuesten, 125 miles upriver. He returned on Wednesday evening and reported that people were busy on the river.3)
, 3)
“Movements of the Yukon fleet: The May West Gone - Weare and Hamilton to follow. The Victoria on the Upper River - new steamer in from the lakes - passengers from lower river points.” Klondike Nugget (Dawson), 23 June 1898.
Tappan Adney, The Klondike Stampede. Vancouver: UBC Press. 1994 reprint: 389-392.
t/g_tyler.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/16 21:24 by sallyr