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Leslie Thoms

Leslie Thoms settled at H. B. Welch’s farm about five km downstream from Minto Landing on the Yukon River about 1927. Welch had two acres of land to start with and in 1903 he acquired 160 acres six miles from the river and 20 acres three miles from the river. He applied for a homestead in 1909 and left the country in 1916 saying the war had stagnated the economy and his was not economical to run. Thomas used Welch’s old buildings and built some new ones. Thoms' grave is on the hillside above what is now commonly known as “Thom’s location.”1)

Mike Rourke, Yukon River: Marsh Lake to Dawson City. Houston B.C.: Rivers North Publications, 1997: 113.
t/l_thoms.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/15 12:55 by sallyr